Anchovy dried big (Soup) | Korea | 1.5kg

Anchovy dried big (Soup) | Korea | 1.5kg

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Dried anchovy" refers to small, salted and sun-dried fish known as anchovies. These are commonly used as a flavoring agent in various cuisines around the world. Here's a brief overview:

  1. Preparation: Anchovies are cleaned, salted, and left to dry in the sun or through other drying methods. The drying process helps preserve the fish and intensify its flavor.

  2. Usage: Dried anchovies are versatile and can be used in various culinary applications. They are often used to make stocks, broths, or sauces, adding a rich umami flavor to dishes. In some cuisines, they are also used whole or crushed as a seasoning in salads, pasta, pizzas, and other savory dishes.

  3. Storage: Dried anchovies have a long shelf life and are often stored in a cool, dry place. They are a staple in many Mediterranean, Asian, and Latin American cuisines.

  4. Nutrition: Anchovies are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and protein.

Before using dried anchovies in your cooking, you may need to rinse or soak them to reduce their saltiness, depending on the recipe. They can add depth and complexity to a wide range of dishes, contributing a savory and salty kick to your culinary creations.

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